Oral Histories: Moses Jeune, 2019
Moses Jeune
BFA Painting ‘20
What’s it like to be black at MICA?
“My experience with diversity at MICA has been an interesting one before. There are a multitude of initiatives to increase and encourage diversity in the college, some of which I’m a part of. I find a lot of comfort within these spaces because they turn out to be spaces in which I’m surrounded by the people who come from the same cultural backgrounds as me. Most of my school isn’t like these groups. When I first came to Baltimore vs when I first started to live here are very different experiences. When I visited here to visit my college I thought it was a fairly diverse setting for a college ,but when I was actually enrolled in this college and began to live here I noticed that the cities population does not reflect the student population. Also the entire area in which we live is affected by the colleges presence. At this point I wouldn’t know what to do about it other than find ways to help incorporate native Baltimorean artists and find more black faculty”